Eyelid problems may leave you wondering whether you should seek help from your primary care physician or an ophthalmologist. Most eye injuries, diseases, and conditions involving the eye region are reasons to see an eye doctor. Most general physicians and emergency departments end up referring patients to an ophthalmologist because they don’t have the necessary equipment or detailed knowledge to treat the issue. At Clarity Eye Group, our eye doctors treat all types of eyelid concerns, including cosmetic problems caused by drooping upper eyelids.

Many types of eyelid concerns may bring you into our Huntington Beach office, such as:

Cysts, Styes, and Chalazion

Sometimes a cyst can form in one of the meibomian glands lining the edges of the eyelids near the eyelashes. These cysts may cause the upper or lower eyelid to swell up to a grape’s size and develop gradually. Eyelid cysts may become infected and cause redness and pain. A stye is a minor infection around an eyelash that may cause eyelid swelling. Chalazion is often confused for a stye and occurs when an oil gland swells and may form a pimple-like bump. Cysts, styes, and Chalazion may go away without treatment.

Swollen Eyelids

Blepharitis is a common eyelid concern that causes red, swollen eyelids. Your eyelids may have itchy, flaky skin and stick together when you blink or first wake up. It often happens because of clogged meibomian glands. Contact dermatitis may also cause swollen eyelids and irritation and is a type of eczema that develops after exposure to an allergen or irritating product like makeup or skincare ingredients.

Eyelid Lumps

Lumps around the eyelids or on the eyelids may be a serious concern. Skin cancers can develop on eyelid skin, and a lump may warrant an eyelid biopsy. Basal cell carcinomas are the most common skin cancer and look like pink, red, pearly-white, or waxy-appearing lumps that may bleed. Squamous cell carcinomas are red with a scaly or crusty surface, and melanomas are growths that are irregularly shaped and change in shape, color, or size.

Hooded or Droopy Upper Eyelids

Upper eyelid issues caused by sagging skin or loose muscles may be cosmetic or medical. Excess skin can droop over the eye, causing vision impairment, and outstretched muscles may make it difficult to open the eyelid completely. Hooded or droopy upper eyelids (eyelid ptosis) can be corrected with eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) to restore function or cosmetic appeal.

Ectropion & Entropion

Ectropion is an issue that affects one or both of the lower eyelids and happens when the eyelid skin turns outward and pulls away from the skin. The gap disrupts tear production and causes dry, red, or irritated eyes. Entropion happens when the eyelid rolls in, causing the eyelashes to rub against the cornea, leading to watery eyes and irritation. Severe cases of entropion can lead to vision impairment because the eyelashes cause corneal damage and pain. A corneal ulcer may form and become infected. Entropion affects the upper eyelids mainly and develops with age. Entropion and ectropion surgery can fix the eyelid position.

These are just a few eyelid issues. Some require treatment or surgery, while others may clear on their own. Our ophthalmologists can help determine the cause of your eyelid problem and develop a plan to improve your eye health and eyelid appearance.

Schedule an eye exam at Clarity Eye Group in Huntington Beach, California, by calling (714) 842-0651.