How to Know If You Have Cataracts

How to Know If You Have Cataracts

Cataracts are a leading cause of vision impairment worldwide that primarily affects individuals over the age of 60. Here at Clarity Eye Group, we often encounter patients who are unsure if the changes they are experiencing in their vision are due to cataracts....
Can My Cataracts Come Back?

Can My Cataracts Come Back?

Cataract surgery is an effective procedure to remove cataracts from the eye. When considering cataract surgery, a common concern among patients is whether the cataracts will return. The eye doctors at Clarity Eye Group specialize in advanced forms of cataract surgery....
What You Can Expect from Cataract Surgery

What You Can Expect from Cataract Surgery

The hazy vision you develop as cataracts progress can cause significant impairment, but fortunately these changes do not need to be permanent. Cataract surgery is a safe and reliable procedure for restoring clear lenses. Although it is one of the easiest and most...
What is Life Like with Cataracts?

What is Life Like with Cataracts?

You depend on clear vision whether you have perfect eyesight or wear contact lenses and glasses. Some eye changes are expected as you get older, such as loss of the ability to read fine print and view objects close to your face. When the world starts to go blurry, you...