Winter Dry Eyes: How to Treat Your Symptoms

Winter Dry Eyes: How to Treat Your Symptoms

The arid climate in California is already troublesome for people with dry eyes, and the winter months may bring on more symptoms. There are ways to help you cope with dry eye disease, and our ophthalmologists at Clarity Eye Group offer dry eye treatments. Dry eyes are...
What is Life Like with Cataracts?

What is Life Like with Cataracts?

You depend on clear vision whether you have perfect eyesight or wear contact lenses and glasses. Some eye changes are expected as you get older, such as loss of the ability to read fine print and view objects close to your face. When the world starts to go blurry, you...
4 Ways LASIK Can Boost Your Mood

4 Ways LASIK Can Boost Your Mood

Poor vision is something you notice every morning when you wake up. You’re reminded of your refractive errors each time you place a contact lens backward in your eye or your glasses fog up when you exit a cold room into the heat. Vision imperfections may not...